Holistic Living for Better Health and Wellbeing: Why I Chose Living Wholistically

emotional wellness holistic health mental health parenting/kids physical health Oct 11, 2023
Living Wholistically Logo

Living Wholistically is my business name and I wanted to touch on why I chose this name as it underpins everything I live and teach to my clients.

I believe health cannot be achieved without implementing strategies within every foundational area of life. Therefore, whilst we can speak of separating out health in to different categories (such as mental, emotional, physical, spiritual etc), and even focusing on one specialist area of health (such as the mainstream does; cardiac, endocrine, and other specialists), true vibrant thriving health happens when you implement healing strategies to support ALL the areas together. 

My mission with Living Wholistically (yes I spelt it wrong because I was thinking of whole as in whole health, but I decided to run with it!), is to teach people, mainly women, to literally do what the name says. Live their life as a whole.

This involves teaching you to understand the language of your body, what all of the symptoms, behaviours and thoughts you have are telling you, and helping you clear your blocks that are the driving factor behind dis-ease and unwanted thoughts and behaviours affecting your life. 

Living Wholistically is a way of life and therefore I thought it was an appropriate business name to encompass what I do and teach.


Why Women?

Why do I mostly serve women (and only serve women in my Nourishment Gateway Program). It is because women really are the masters of the course their family takes in life. Even though now women are mostly out in the workforce, they are still the ones who decide what the family eats, the activities they participate in, and the whole structure and vibe of the family and the home.

I was a primary school teacher and I thought becoming a Naturopath, that I would like to work with children. However, I realised I can do so much more by helping women heal and become the best version of themselves possible, because that impact reverberates throughout their entire family and community. Me, helping one woman, helps so many more children than I could have seeing one child at a time. I also found that children are the mirrors of their mothers and I could helps kids only so far as their mothers were healing too.

When women heal, they heal their families and their communities. When women continue to put their children first (booking health appointments and focusing on their diet and lifestyle), over taking care of their own health, then the whole family suffers. 

It is time you start putting your health first so that you can heal those around you too.

Invest in your and your families health today by having a session with me to start your journey to Living Wholistically today.

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Living Wholistically Village


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