How to Identify Nourishing vs. Depleting Habits

emotional wellness holistic health mental health Aug 10, 2023
Discerning if Something is Nourishing or Depleting

How Do You Discern If Something Is Nourishing Or Depleting?

When faced with choices in life, how can you tell what truly nourishes you versus what depletes your energy? It’s a question many of us struggle with, yet understanding the difference can significantly impact our well-being.

1) Tune into Your Body and Emotions

First and foremost, it’s essential to listen to your inner wisdom. Take a moment to check in with yourself. Notice how your body feels and what emotions arise when you engage with a particular person, activity, or situation.

  • Does it bring you joy, energy, and a sense of fulfillment?
  • Or does it leave you feeling drained, stressed, or unhappy?

Your body and emotions provide valuable clues about what is nourishing or depleting for you.

2) Reflect on Your Values and Priorities

Next, consider your core values (you don't know them? do this exercise to find your core values) and priorities in life. What matters most to you?

  • Does the person, activity, or situation align with these values?
  • If it resonates with what you hold dear, it is likely nourishing.
  • Conversely, if it conflicts with your values or distracts you from your priorities, it may be depleting.

3) Assess the Long-Term Effects

Thinking about the long-term impact of a situation is crucial.

  • Does it contribute to your growth, personal development, and happiness in the long run?
  • Or does it drain your energy, hinder your progress, or create negative consequences?

Considering the long-term effects can help you discern whether something is nourishing or depleting.

4) Trust Your Intuition

Another vital step is to trust your intuition.

  • Pay attention to your gut feelings.
  • If something doesn’t feel right or if you have a strong sense that it’s not nourishing for you, trust that inner knowing and hold your boundaries strong

Your intuition can provide insights that your logical mind may overlook.

5) Seek Feedback from Trusted Others

Reaching out to trusted friends, family members, or mentors can also provide clarity.

  • Share your thoughts and feelings about the person, activity, or situation.
  • Ask for their perspective.

Sometimes, an outside perspective can illuminate aspects you may not have considered.

6) Experiment and Observe

If you’re still unsure, consider experimenting with it in small doses.

  • Observe how you feel during and after engaging with it.
  • If it consistently brings you joy, fulfillment, and positive energy, it is likely nourishing.
  • If it consistently drains your energy or leaves you feeling depleted, it may be time to reconsider its place in your life.


Remember, discernment is a personal process, and what may be nourishing for one person could be depleting for another. Trust yourself, honor your needs, and make choices that support your overall well-being and growth.

If you're seeking support in reconnecting with your body's needs and enhancing your discernment skills, consider booking a 1:1 session with me. Together, we can explore what truly nourishes your life.

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