Achieving Optimal Wellness Through Nervous System Regulation

Jul 03, 2024

If you NEED to have a strategy in place every day to feel calm, then your nervous system is NOT regulated.

To be regulated means having a nervous system that can efficiently switch between sympathetic (fight or flight) and parasympathetic (rest and digest) states.

It means that your body and mind can respond appropriately to stressors and then return to a state of calm and balance smoothly.

A regulated nervous system helps you feel grounded, emotionally stable, and able to handle daily challenges without becoming overwhelmed.

It allows for a harmonious flow between periods of activity and relaxation, leading to overall well-being and resilience.

Being overwhelmed daily and having to use a particular strategy to calm yourself and bring yourself back to a state of calm is not regulation. It is dysregulation, with the ability to calm yourself using a tool you have found useful.

A truly regulated nervous system looks and feels like:
Physical Signs
• Relaxed Muscles: You experience minimal muscle tension, and your body feels comfortable.
• Steady Heart Rate
• Regular Breathing: Your breathing is deep and steady, not shallow or erratic.
• Good Digestion: Your digestive system functions smoothly without frequent discomfort or issues.
• Restful Sleep: You can fall asleep easily, stay asleep through the night, and wake up feeling refreshed.

Emotional Signs
• Emotional Stability: You have fewer mood swings and can manage your emotions effectively.
• Calmness: You feel a general sense of calm and are not easily agitated.
• Resilience: You can handle stress and bounce back from challenges without prolonged distress.
• Joy and Contentment: You often feel happy and satisfied with your life.

Mental Signs
• Clear Thinking: You can focus and concentrate without being easily distracted.
• Problem-Solving: You can think logically and make decisions without feeling overwhelmed.
• Creativity: You feel creative and can engage in hobbies or work without mental blocks.
• Presence: You are mindful and present in the moment, rather than constantly worrying about the past or future.

In essence, a regulated nervous system allows you to navigate life’s ups and downs with grace, and maintaining equilibrium.
It supports a lifestyle where you feel emotionally, mentally, and physically in harmony.
It is not being calm and emotionless 24/7. It is riding the waves of emotions as they come, feeling deeply and expressing freely, and returning to calm easily.

Is your nervous system regulated?

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