Why Men Should Try Emotion Release Technique (ERT)

emotion release technique emotional wellness holistic health mental health physical health Nov 15, 2023
Man contemplating life and emotional health

In our society, men are often encouraged to be strong, stoic, and self-reliant. However, it is essential to recognise that emotional well-being is just as important for men as it is for anyone else. Emotion Release Technique (ERT) offers a powerful tool for men to explore and heal their emotions, promoting greater self-awareness, emotional resilience, and overall well-being. Let's look at how ERT can specifically benefit men and support their journey towards holistic wellness.


Breaking Free from Societal Expectations
Societal expectations often pressure men to suppress their emotions, leading to emotional bottling, stress, and potential health issues. 

One of the biggest myths that is still being unravelled is that men are less emotional or that emotions affect men less. This is simply not the case. While yes, women show their emotions more openly, men are influenced by their emotions too.

But unlike women, many men were raised to keep their emotions under wraps. Some may even struggle to identify or vocalise the emotions and their effects because it has been repressed from a young age

And as you likely know by now, emotions that aren’t processed can drive health conditions and disease. So this means that there is an even greater need for ERT when it comes to male clients!


Giving them an outlet to share
Another common misconception around men is that they don’t want to share about their stresses. But in my experience, men will often open up if you give them the opportunity to do so!

By using ERT, I am inviting men to look at the emotions, the stresses, the trauma and the patterns that drive their health concerns. This can help them to become aware of what they might not have realised.

My ERT sessions are also a safe place to have a conversation – many men don’t feel comfortable discussing these sorts of issues with their mates.

ERT provides a safe and supportive space for men to break free from expectations and explore their emotions without judgment or shame. By engaging in ERT, men can develop a healthier relationship with their emotions and experience a greater sense of authenticity and freedom.


Addressing the mental health crisis
One of the biggest health issues amongst men is mental health. The research suggests that 1 in 8 men will have depression and 1 in 5 will have anxiety throughout their lifetime. And that’s even before the studies can adjust those statistics for the impact of the pandemic!

Now mental health is incredibly important for women as well. But the reason that it’s such a concern for men is that they are more likely to take their life because of it. In fact, of the average 9 suicides per day in Australia, 7 of those are males.

If I can use ERT to process some of the stress and trauma that contributes to a man’s mental health issues, it could be life-saving – quite literally speaking!


Tackling addiction
One of the common outcomes of the issues we’ve discussed is the use of alcohol and illicit drugs. Men are more likely to use drugs than women, and they’re also more likely to end up in hospital or die from an overdose. The same goes for alcohol dependence, and of course cigarettes and vaping are a huge addiction for men too.

As you can imagine, the effects of processing emotions and stress can be incredible for those who are stuck in a cycle of addictive behaviours. And that’s why I love to use ERT with my male clients.


What other men’s health concerns can benefit from ERT?
Any health issue that can be driven or exacerbated by stress, trauma, unprocessed emotions and nervous system dysregulation – which, as you can guess, is a lot! Some common ones include:

  • Chronic pain
  • Weight issues
  • Autoimmune conditions such as ankylosing spondylitis, Coeliac disease, MS, rheumatoid arthritis and lupus
  • Digestive concerns such as IBS and constipation
  • Insomnia and sleep-related issues

As it can take longer for men to seek help for their health, conditions can be more severe by the time they start working with me, the quicker we can get to the root cause of the issue and release the stuck emotions the better. 

Embracing your emotions and prioritising your emotional well-being is a powerful step towards living a fulfilling and authentic life. Emotion Release Technique (ERT) offers men a transformative tool to heal emotional wounds, reduce stress, improve relationships, and enhance self-awareness. Work with me in a 1:1 session today to start releasing your stored emotions. Remember, it takes strength and courage to explore your emotions, and you deserve to experience the benefits of emotional well-being.

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