Unlocking Your Inner Knowing: Mastering Intuition for Personal Growth

intuition Sep 02, 2024

Unlocking the Power of Intuition: A Deep Dive into Inner Knowing

Intuition often feels like a mystical force—an inexplicable sense of knowing without the need for (or maybe being unable to have) conscious reasoning. We’ve all experienced those moments when a gut feeling guided us toward a decision, sometimes even against logic or external advice. But what exactly is intuition? How can you recognise and cultivate it in your life? This blog explores the nature of intuition, its role in your life, and how you can harness it for better decision-making and personal growth.


Understanding Intuition: What Is It?

Intuition is often described as a “sixth sense” or a kind of inner voice that guides you when logic and reason aren’t enough. Unlike analytical thinking, which relies on conscious reasoning and evidence, intuition operates on a subconscious level. It’s the brain’s way of rapidly processing vast amounts of information, drawing on past experiences, emotions, and knowledge to produce a sense of knowing without the need for logical steps.

There are several theories about where intuition comes from. Some suggest that it’s the brain’s way of picking up on subtle cues that your conscious mind might miss, such as body language or environmental changes. Others believe that intuition is a result of accumulated knowledge and experience, allowing you to make quick judgments based on patterns you’ve unconsciously learned over time, others still believe that it is coming from diving or spiritual influences outside yourself (or maybe a more spiritual version of yourself).


Recognising Intuition: How to Identify It

Recognising intuition can be challenging, especially in a world that often prioritises logic and rationality. However, intuition often manifests in distinct ways:

  • Gut Feelings: One of the most common forms of intuition is a gut feeling—an instinctual response to a situation or decision. This can manifest as a physical sensation in the stomach or an overall sense of comfort or discomfort. (Often described as a full body yes or a full body no).

  • Sudden Clarity: Sometimes, intuition can present itself as a sudden moment of clarity or insight, where the answer to a problem or decision becomes instantly apparent without the need for conscious reasoning.

  • A Quiet Inner Voice: Intuition may also come as a quiet, persistent inner voice that gently nudges you in a particular direction, even if it doesn’t seem logical at the time.

  • Physical Sensations: Some people experience intuition through physical sensations, such as chills, a quickening heartbeat, or a feeling of warmth. These sensations are often linked to the body’s instinctual response to stimuli.

The Science of Intuition: How Does It Work?

While intuition may feel mystical, science offers some explanations for how it might work. Research suggests that intuition is the brain’s way of rapidly processing information and recognising patterns based on past experiences. This process occurs in the unconscious mind, allowing us to make quick decisions without needing to engage in lengthy analysis.

The Role of the Brain: The brain’s ability to process information on a subconscious level is key to intuition. The prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for decision-making, and the amygdala, which is involved in emotional processing, work together to generate intuitive insights. These areas of the brain can quickly assess a situation by drawing on past experiences, emotions, and learned patterns, leading to a “gut feeling” or intuitive knowing.

The Influence of Experience: Experience plays a crucial role in intuition. The more experience you have in a particular area, the better your intuition becomes. This is because the brain has more data to draw on when making quick judgments. For example, a seasoned firefighter might intuitively know the best way to approach a fire scene because they’ve encountered similar situations before and can recognise patterns that a less experienced firefighter might miss. It is also about the more experience you have with trusting yourself and your intuition and instinct. If you have a long history of ignoring your inner self, no matter how experienced you are in a field, you may still lack that intuitive knowing that other's seem to have for the topic (the difference between a 'natural born talent' and a learnt one). 


Why You Need to Cultivate Intuition

Cultivating intuition is essential for personal growth, decision-making, and navigating life’s complexities. Here are some reasons why developing intuition is beneficial:

  • Enhanced Decision-Making: Intuition can be a powerful tool for making decisions, especially in situations where logic and analysis fall short. By listening to your intuition, you can make quicker, more confident decisions that align with your true self.

  • Improved Creativity: Intuition is closely linked to creativity. By tapping into your intuitive mind, you can unlock new ideas, perspectives, and solutions that might not be accessible through logical thinking alone. This is also a positive feedback loop, where the more creative pursuits you engage in, the more in tune with your intuition you become (especially if the creative activity is purely for yourself and not to be judged by others). 

  • Emotional Intelligence: Intuition also plays a role in emotional intelligence. It helps you understand and empathise with others, pick up on subtle social cues, and navigate relationships more effectively.

  • Greater Self-Trust: Cultivating intuition fosters self-trust. As you learn to rely on your inner knowing, you become more confident in your ability to make decisions and navigate life’s challenges. Another positive feedback loop (as I mentioned above), the more you trust yourself, the more you intuition will show up, the more you trust your intuition, the more you trust yourself. 


What Blocks Your Intuition

Several factors can block or hinder intuition, preventing you from accessing and trusting your inner knowing. Understanding these blocks is essential for developing and refining your intuitive abilities. Here are some common intuition blockers:

1. Overthinking and Analytical Mind

  • Description: Excessive reliance on logic and analysis can drown out intuitive insights. When you overthink or analyse every detail, you may miss the subtle signals your intuition is sending.
  • Solution: Practice balancing rational thought with intuitive feelings. Allow yourself to make decisions based on gut feelings, especially in situations where overanalysing is not productive. This is about balance, not throwing out logic and reason in favour for intuition only. 

2. Stress and Anxiety

  • Description: High levels of stress and anxiety can cloud your mind, making it difficult to tune into your intuition. Stress triggers the fight-or-flight response, which can override the calm, receptive state needed for intuition.
  • Solution: Engage in stress-reducing activities such as creative activities, meditation, breathwork, or spending time in nature to create a more relaxed state that is conducive to intuition.

3. Emotional Baggage

  • Description: Unresolved emotions, traumas, or negative patterns from the past can block your intuitive channels. These emotions create mental clutter that makes it hard to hear your inner voice.
  • Solution: Work on emotional clearing techniques, such as journaling, ERT, or mindfulness, to release old emotional patterns and make space for intuitive insights.

4. Disconnection from the Body

  • Description: Intuition often speaks through the body, manifesting as gut feelings, physical sensations, or sudden urges. If you are disconnected from your body or ignore its signals, you may miss intuitive messages.
  • Solution: Practice body awareness techniques, such as yoga, tai chi, or simply tuning into your physical sensations throughout the day. This may also look like ERT to help you feel safe in your body (particularly if you have experienced any sort of trauma or accident in which your physical body was injured or feeling unsafe). 

5. Lack of Trust in Yourself

  • Description: Doubting your abilities or second-guessing your decisions can block intuition. If you don’t trust yourself, you may dismiss intuitive insights as irrational or unreliable.
  • Solution: Build self-confidence and practice self-compassion. Start by trusting your intuition in small decisions, and gradually increase your reliance on it.

6. Fear of Making Mistakes (or Even Success)

  • Description: The fear of making the wrong decision can paralyse you, leading you to ignore or suppress your intuition. This fear often stems from a need for control or perfectionism.
  • Solution: Embrace the idea that making mistakes is part of the learning process. Allow yourself to experiment with following your intuition without worrying about the outcome (more ERT here too!)

7. External Noise and Distractions

  • Description: Constant exposure to external noise, social media, and other distractions can drown out your inner voice. If your mind is constantly occupied with external input, it becomes difficult to access your intuition.
  • Solution: Create regular quiet time for yourself, free from distractions. Be very conscious of what inputs you choose to receive (e.g. media/news, social media, friendships, and so on - effective boundaries are a must!) 

8. Cultural and Social Conditioning

  • Description: Cultural norms and social expectations can suppress intuition by encouraging conformity and discouraging deviation from the norm. This conditioning can lead you to ignore or doubt your intuitive insights.
  • Solution: Cultivate self-awareness and question societal norms that don’t resonate with you. Learn to differentiate between your authentic self and the conditioned self. Find friendships and communities that reflect your values and support you to be your authentic self. 

9. Poor Diet and Physical Health

  • Description: Your physical health influences your intuitive abilities. A poor diet, lack of exercise, insufficient sleep, or any of the fundamental pillars lacking, can disrupt the balance of your body and mind, making it harder to access intuition.
  • Solution: Prioritise your physical well-being by maintaining a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and addressing the other 5 fundamental pillars of health. A healthy body supports a clear and receptive mind.

10. Lack of Practice and Awareness

  • Description: Like any skill, intuition requires practice. If you don’t regularly engage with your intuition, you may find it difficult to recognise or trust it when it arises.
  • Solution: Make a conscious effort to develop your intuition through daily practices like mindfulness, meditation, and reflection. Pay attention to your gut feelings and inner voice, and act on them when appropriate. Don't beat yourself up if you don't listen to your intuition, it is all a learning time and you will get better and better as time goes on. 


How to Cultivate Intuition: Practical Tips

You have already figured out a lot of ways to cultivate intuition from the what not to do section above. I wanted to reiterate a few really key points on ways to really up the ante on being able to tune in and support your intuition to come forward:

  • Engage in Creative Activities: Creativity and intuition are closely connected. Engaging in creative activities, such as painting, writing, or dancing, can help you tap into your intuitive mind and explore new perspectives.

  • Trust Your First Impressions: Often, your first impression or gut feeling is your intuition at work. Practice trusting these initial insights, even if they don’t seem logical at the moment. Over time, you’ll learn to differentiate between true intuition and fear-based reactions.

  • Seek Solitude: Spending time alone can help you connect with your intuition. Without the distractions of the external world, you can tune into your inner voice and gain clarity on important decisions.


Intuition in Action: Real-Life Examples

Intuition has played a significant role in the lives of many successful individuals. Here are a few examples:

  • Laetitia Andrac: The founder of Essential Shift, Laetitia Andrac, has based her whole business model around using intuition in business. Her book Light It, dives deep in to how we can reconnect to our inner knowing and say goodbye to the daily hustle and burn out in your business. 

  • Mariah Macinnes: I love that Mariah talks about how following your intuition allows you to be your most authentic self and create content that is original to you. Her amazing content is a tribute to that! 


The Intersection of Intuition and Emotional Clearing

Intuition and emotional clearing are deeply interconnected. Emotional clearing involves releasing suppressed emotions and traumas that can cloud judgment and block intuitive insights. By clearing emotional blockages, you create space for your intuition to flourish.

The Role of Emotional Clearing: Emotional clearing techniques, such as Emotional Release Technique (ERT), can help you release negative emotions and traumas that may be hindering your intuition. This clearing allows you to access deeper levels of consciousness, where intuition resides, and cultivate a clearer, more attuned inner voice.

Building a Foundation for Intuition: A clear and regulated nervous system is essential for developing intuition. When your nervous system is overwhelmed by stress or emotional baggage, it can be challenging to access your intuitive insights. By incorporating emotional clearing practices into your routine, you create a stable foundation for intuition to thrive.



Embrace Your Inner Knowing

Intuition is a powerful tool that can guide you toward a more fulfilling and authentic life. By understanding what intuition is, recognising how it manifests, and actively cultivating it, you can unlock the full potential of your inner knowing. Trust in your intuition, and allow it to lead you on a path of self-discovery, growth, and empowerment.


Ready to dive deeper into the world of intuition and emotional clearing? Join my Upgrade Your Life with ERT membership, where we explore these concepts in depth and provide you with the tools and support you need to cultivate your intuition and live a more authentic, joyful life. Start your journey today and discover the power of your inner knowing.

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